Thursday, October 13, 2011

Summary & Disclaimer

"Gotham's Dark Knights" is an original fan-fiction series I've created based on the characters and and DC universe of Batman. This series takes inspiration from several story lines and concepts of Batman. For the most part, many of the main and pre-established characters retain their familiar characteristics, but some liberties are taken for the sake of story. Overall, main DC created characters should be recognizable. For new author created characters, any resemblance to real persons alive or dead is purely coincidence. Not to mention, I Google-checked to see if any of my characters where obvious celebrities or real life criminals. All in all, this is fan-fiction and while some Batman facts and story may be referenced, this series does not serve as any official insert into the DC Batman universe. 

 Gotham City's hero is gone. His whereabouts and status unknown. Despite the increased efforts of city leaders and the Gotham City Police Department the city begins to descend into chaos. Gotham needs Batman, but what does it do when he's not there?

'Gotham's Dark Knights' follows three of Gotham City's finest as they are mysteriously and anonymously recruited to take on the role of Batman. Without the time, money, and resources of Bruce Wayne, will these three be able to convince Gotham that its hero has returned?

This series takes inspiration from several story lines and concepts of the DC Batman universe. For the most part, many of the main and pre-established characters retain their familiar characteristics, but some liberties are taken for the sake of story. Overall, main DC created characters should be recognizable. For new author created characters, any resemblance to real persons alive or dead is purely coincidence. Not to mention, I Google-checked to see if any of my characters where obvious celebrities or real life criminals. All in all, this is fan fiction and while some Batman facts and story may be referenced, this series does not serve as any official insert into the DC Batman universe or timeline. 

I do not work for or have ever worked for DC Comics, and I am not making or seeking to make any financial gains from this series. So in the crazy off chance that someone from DC reads this series (not likely), please don’t sue me. This is just pure fictional fun.

Batman and related Batman characters were created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. Batman is the property of DC Comics.

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